小牛电子书 > 科幻电子书 > 09_the_final_nightmare >



小说: 09_the_final_nightmare 字数: 每页3500字

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ot the sort of all…out; fused…earth attack that had claimed Newton。

〃Bowie; I'm so ashamed;〃 Musica said; tears wetting her cheeks; as they saw the ragged lines of survivors making their way from the city。

〃It's not your fault;〃 Bowie told her; holding her to fort her。

She looked up at him; trying to smile。 〃The harmony is strong; between you and me。 I feel your joys and sorrows; they are my own。〃 Being close to him was so wonderful; a divine gift of happiness that shored her up in the horror that was around them。

Off to one side; Dana asked Nova quietly; 〃Do you think Zor knows what's going to happen next? That he sees the future?〃 It was no time to voice a more personal question to herself; And; have I? All her dreams and Visions crowded so close about her。

Nova considered that。 〃What are you saying?〃 The results of her interrogations and observations were inconclusive but…if Zor did have some sort of precog powers; perhaps the Human race could turn them to good use。

Dana was looking at Zor; who stood alone; watching the pyre that was Monument City。 〃He doesn't want to help Musica;〃 Dana faced the truth。 〃He wants revenge; and he wants to die more than he wants to live; I think。〃 Her voice caught a little; she still loved him。

Zor studied the destruction and suffering before him; standing near the Three…In…One; Dana had supposed he named his tank that because of its three configurations; but understood now that it was some deeper memory that had moved him to do so。 Zor was repeating the silent vow as if it were a mantra; This time they'll pay! This time I'll stop them!

That was when he heard the crackle of Shaizan's voice over the cockpit speaker of Sean's Hovertank; the Bad News。 〃Zor! Traitor! Are you there?〃 Sean nearly jumped out of the tank like an ejecting pilot。

Zor was in the cockpit of his Three…In…One in an instant; hands on the control yoke grips。 〃I hear you。〃

Somehow; the Masters had contrived to send their image over the tank's display screen。 〃You are aware that the Protoculture Matrix is undergoing degradation; as the Flowers bloom。〃 It wasn't a question。 〃And by now; the Sensor Nebula has surely alerted the Invid。〃

Zor looked at his onetime Masters。 The words made bits of memory and realization fall into place。 〃I…yes。 But I also know that I control the key to this planet's survival。 I dictate the terms。〃

〃We are of the opinion that you are mistaken;〃 Shaizan replied。 〃Watch closely; and you will see。〃

The other ATACs were watching on their own screens; with Musica looking over Bowie's shoulder and Nova over Dana's。 They saw Rolf Emerson; teeth locked in pain; with Marie and Brown trying to fort him。

〃Emerson;〃 Bowie said numbly; while Sean whispered Marie's name like a hopeless prayer; and Dana heard Nova breathe; 〃Dennis。〃

Then the Masters were onscreen again。 〃'These three men will be released when you return Musica and remove your troops from this area。〃

Men? Sean Phillips found a second to think; wondering if they had gotten a good look at Marie。 I suppose everybody in armor looks the same to them but…maybe these vampires aren't as smart as everybody keeps tellin' me they are。 Anyway; if that's what it's like to be immortal; they can keep it!

〃Do you find this acceptable?〃 Shaizan continued。 〃We trust that we need not mention the alternative。〃

Zor fought down his fury long enough to ask; 〃What are your conditions?〃

〃You will be picked up; and we will exchange prisoners onboard our mother ship。〃 The Masters disappeared from the screen。

Zor lowered himself from his tank wearily and had barely begun; 〃I do not wish for the rest of you to be invol…〃 Bowie hit him with a shoulder block; driving the bigger Zor up against the armored side of Three…In…One; trying to choke the life out of him。

〃They're not getting Musica! I'll kill you!〃

Zor grimaced; trying to twist free; but didn't strike out at him。 〃Then stay here and do nothing; and watch your good friend be killed! The techniques of the Masters can be more cruel than anything you can conceive of!〃

Dana was dashing to intervene; but somehow Musica got them first。 〃Stop it; Bowie!〃 He had no choice but to risk harming her or back off。 He let go his grip on Zor。

〃I will not permit you all to suffer because of me;〃 she; told Nova and the 15th。 〃I will go back。〃

Before Bowie could object; Dana said; 〃She's right。 Saddle up; Fifteenth! C'mon; what're you all gaping at?〃

Nova was the one among them most distanced from Emerson's predicament。 The fate of a few Human beings; even a flag…rank officer and two TASC fliers; was insignificant against the survival of the Human race and its home world; everyone who took the Southern Cross oath understood that。 Shaping strategy and policy on the basis of hostages and emotional responses led to disaster; it had been one of the major contributing factors to the Global Civil War。

Marie thought about her pistol again; but realized that events had gone too far for that; and that she must see things through along with Dana's ATACs。 Protoculture seemed to have some barely hinted…at power to shape events; and she could only hope that the benign side of that mystical force was working now; because Fate had the bit in its teeth。

〃There's no telling what'll happen;〃 Dana was telling her men。 〃We'll have to play it by ear。 But this thing isn't about Southern Cross or the UEG anymore。 I don't think even the mound; here; is as important now。 This thing is between us and the Robotech Masters。〃

In the wake of her experiences on the flagship and her exposure to the spores; pollen; and Flowers below; and to Musica's song; something in her was ing fully to life…was flexing its powers like a butterfly emerging from its cocoon and pumping out its wings。

Dana didn't know exactly how; but she knew the words were true。 〃Maybe this was always meant to be; right from the start。〃

The contact broken; the Masters easily reached an unspoken consensus: Musica was critical to their plans; and there was no longer any need for the others…not even Zor。 Furthermore; there were disturbing things about the halfbreed lieutenant; Sterling; some genetic throw of the dice had embued her with insights and an affinity for the Protoculture that made her dangerous。 It was best that she and her unit be terminated as soon as possible; the Masters could tolerate no rival in the matter of the Protoculture。

The units encircling the mounds simply held their fire as a flotilla of a dozen assault ships came low to pick up the Hovertanks。 Hopelessly outgunned; the GMP troops breathed a universal sigh of relief when the invader craft lifted away。

In due course the 15th came forth to form a spearhead on the huge hangar deck: Dana's Valkyrie; Angelo's Trojan Horse; Bowie's replacement tank; the Re…Tread; which had taken the place of his Diddy…Wa…Diddy; abandoned on an earlier sortie aboard a mother ship。 Sean's Bad News and Louie Nichols's Livewire pleted the roster。

There were ranks of clone guards with rifles aimed at them; rabbits policing the wolves。 But the ATACs only watched and waited; the tanks' headlights and downswept hoods making them appear to be glowering。

When Dana had looked the place over; she switched her mike to an external speaker and announced; 〃First of all; we want to see Chief of Staff Emerson。〃

There was some conferring among the invaders。 Finally they opened ranks and the Hovertanks fell in to follow a guard runabout; moving into the vaulted passageways of the residential district; so much like those of the Masters' original flagship。

Guards stood on ledges all along the way。 Dana wondered if they realized they were scarcely more than so many popup targets before the armor and firepower of the Hovertanks。 They didn't seem worried; and that worried her。

But while she didn't have words to explain it; something told her that what she was doing was right; that against all logic; what she was doing was what she should be doing。 Again she felt connected to something much greater than herself; and breathed a quick prayer that it wasn't some kind of self…delusion。 It was nothing but faith; really; but if she had understood her Academy philosophy courses; w

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