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小说: VB2008从入门到精通(PDF格式英文版) 字数: 每页3500字

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with a specific ponent。 You knew which type to instantiate; which interface to use; and  

which project to reference。 In these cases; you; as the developer; are in plete control; and  

when your application is built; all of the assemblies pop out as a nice; neat package。 

     But what works for the developer might not necessarily work for others。 Let’s go back to  

the lighting system presented in Chapter 8。 We created a kernel that was responsible for turning  

on and off the lights。 The implementations of the individual rooms were in a predetermined  

project with a specific name。 This architecture would not work with a third…party library; because  

the kernel expected a project of a certain name。 You might be thinking; “Heck; that’s easy to  

solve—I just delete the old project and rename my project to match the old name。” That tech

nique would work; but it would also be an administrator’s nightmare。 The solution is to tell the  

program; “For lighting room implementations; look at this project and these types。” And to  

give the program this information; you define some text in a file。 A file that tells a program to do  

some task is called a runtime configuration file。 

     This chapter focuses on two areas: using application configuration files and dynamically  

loading code。 A related topic is how much dynamically executed code should be configuration  

and how much should be convention。  

Convention over Configuration 

The question of how to reference and instantiate classes is both philosophical and pragmatic。  

Consider the architecture shown in Figure 12…1; which is a modular interface and implementation  

that was presented as an alternative architecture for the lighting system example in Chapter 8。  

In this figure; each of the boxes represents a single project: a project that contains the interface  

definitions; a project that contains the implementations; and a project that contains the kernel。  

The idea of all of these projects is to make it possible to update a single project without needing  

to update all of them。 However; what is not indicated in the picture is the fact that your appli

cation must be able to reference all three projects。 If one of those projects is missing; you have  

a problem; because your program cannot function。 


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           Figure 12…1。 How ponents can be defined 

                The referencing of individual projects is not an issue。 The issue is how each project learns  

           about the others。 In previous chapters; I said that you should use a factory; because a factory  

           takes away the decision of what implementation to use。 

                Let’s look at this from the perspective of code。 Suppose the following interface definition  

           is in a project that contains all interface definitions。 

           Public Interface IMyInterface  

           End Interface 

                A class that implements the interface is defined in a project called  Implementations。 

           Class MyImplementation : Implements IMyInterface 

           End Class 

                If a class in another project wants to use the functionality of MyImplementation; then this  

           factory is created: 

           Public Module Factory  

               Public Function Instantiate() As IMyInterface 

                   Return New MyImplementation() 

               End Function 

           End Module 

                Because MyImplementation is not declared as  Public; the Factory module must be defined  

           in the project Implementations。 This implies that the project that uses the functionality has a  

           reference to Implementations。 

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     Using a factory is acceptable and solves the problem of decoupling so that the user of the  

implementation does not need to know about the implementation。 The user does not have to  

know the name of the implementation; but does need to know in which project the implemen

tation resides。 This means when you develop the code; you need to reference the appropriate  

project while coding。 This is called ponent architecture; in that you decouple the interface  

from the implementation; but you couple the projects。 

     You want to decouple the ponents at runtime (when the application runs) to solve the  

problem illustrated in Chapter 8; where we created a lighting kernel; but did not know the lighting  

implementations ahead of time。 Using configuration; you could have an end user “plug in” lighting  

implementations that are controlled by the kernel。 Developers like to call runtime decoupling  

a plug…in architecture ( http://en。wikipedia。org/wiki/Plugin)。 And this is where configuration  

and convention e into play。 “Convention over configuration” is a Ruby on Rails philosophy。  

The idea is that developers define only the nonconventional parts of their applications。 

Decoupling Using a Configuration Architecture 

In a runtime configuration scenario; the architecture of Figure 12…1 is not altered; it still has the  

definitions; implementations; kernel; and user assemblies。 What is altered is how the references to  

each of the pieces are created。  

     Let’s start with a simple situation。 You have a question; and you happen to know who would  

know the answer。 You know the person and you know she has a telephone。 What you don’t  

know is her telephone number。 Translated into programming terms; the telephone acts as an  

interface to an implementation。 The challenge is connecting to the implementation。 In the  

case of the telephone; you can discover the telephone number by using the telephone book。  

     The telephone book contains the names of individuals at specific addresses and their tele

phone numbers。 Names and addresses are easy to remember; telephone numbers are a bit  

more plicated。 Thus; the telephone book serves the purpose of cross…referencing an easy  

piece of information with a more plicated piece of information。 In programming terms;  

the cross…referencing is a configuration file that is associated with the  application。 Once  

you have cross…referenced the information; you have the location of the project and can then  

instantiate the cross…referenced type。 In programming terms; the configuration file gives you  

the location and name of the type。 

Decoupling Using a Convention Architecture 

Configuration files are useful; but they can bee too plicated。 Some projects have such  

plicated configuration files that bugs arise due to an improperly configured application。 

     Convention architecture attempts to simplify plexity by instituting a familiar pattern  

to the referencing of the type。 Consider a telephone number like 1…800…BIG…CARS。 The 1 and  

800 are easy to remember; as is BIG CARS。 This works because of the convention where a digit  

on the telephone keypad corresponds to three or four letters。 So in the case of BIG…CARS; the  

number is 244…2277。 

     Conventions are good things as long as you know what they are。 For example; if you were  

not familiar with the telephone system; you would wonder how BIG CARS represents a telephone  

number。 The missing piece of information is the convention of how to convert the letters into  

the numbers。 

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